[pic] Microsoft® Office Fast Facts for Windows® 95 Feature List [pic] Overview This feature list is designed to give you an overview of the features included in Office for Windows 95. It is not designed to be a comprehensive feature list of every Office application feature since that would require another binder. Rather it is designed to give you an overview of the key features and feature areas for the Office applications. The document is segmented by product and feature areas for easier reference. Microsoft Office Support for Windows 95 |New |Full 32-bit application (multi-tasking and | | |multi-threading) | |New |Consistent User Interface (3-D look and | | |feel) | |New |Dialog box consistency with Windows 95 | | |Common Dialog | |New |Scrap to desktop (Windows 95 shell | | |integration) | |New |Preview files from desktop (Windows 95 | | |shell integration) | |New |Integration with Exchange (back-end with | | |DocObjects) | |New |Integration with Exchange front-end with | | |WordMail | |New |Support for Shortcut Technology | |New |Long File Names | |New |Explorer View consistency | |New |Microsoft Network access from Help menu | |New |Support for Windows Briefcase | Ease of Use |New |Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar | |New |Customizable Office Shortcut Bar for Files | | |and Folders | |New |Floating Office Shortcut Bar | |New |Support for Multiple Toolbars on Office | | |Shortcut Bar | |New |Shared File Starter (File New) Dialog Box | |New |Shared File Open Dialog Box | |New |Full Content Indexing and Searching | |New |Screen Tips | |New |Animation Visual Feedback | User Assistance |New |Answer Wizard | |New |Cross Application Help Topics | |New |Access to Microsoft Network Word PSS forum | | |from Help menu | |New |ScrollTips | |New |QuickTips in dialog boxes | | |ToolTips | |New |Task-based on-line help | | |Examples and demos | |New |Solutions-based manual | Consistency and Integration |New |Office Binders | |New |Binder Templates and Wizard | |New |AutoCorrect in Excel, PowerPoint, Word and | | |Access | |New |Custom Document Properties | |New |Support for Microsoft Exchange Server | |New |Post to Exchange access | |New |Microsoft Imager OLE Server | |Improved|Drag and Drop Across the Taskbar | |Improved|20% Shared Code across Office applications | |Improved|Menu Consistency with Schedule+ and | | |Microsoft Access | |Improved|Unified Install and Un-install | Microsoft Word Basic Usage (general formatting, editing, printing and file management) |New |Automatic spell-checking | | |Automatic correction of typos | |New |Exceptions list for automatic correction | | |rules | |New |Automatic formatting of documents as user | | |types | |New |Automatic symbol, list and ordinal | | |insertion | |New |Dynamically switch between word and | | |character selection | | |Copy format with mouse | | |100-level undo & redo | | |Drag and Drop between documents | |New |Indenting with tab key | | |Go to specific page, section, line, | | |bookmark, footnote, endnote, field, object | | |Magnifier & Zoom | | |Fully editable print preview | | |Thumbnail views | | |Automatic numbered and bulleted lists | | |Automatic renumbering of lists | | |Right, center, justify controls | |New |Switch printers without switching Windows | | |95 default | |New |Choose double-sided, collated, and envelope| | |print options from within print dialog box | | |Automatic text insertion (glossary) | |New |File management through File Open dialog | | |box | |New |Full indexed searching | |New |Favorite places | |New |Thumbnail preview of file | |New |Search by text, property, file name, file | | |type, last modified | |New |Automatic background updating of indexes | |New |Multi-lingual characters | |New |Automatic tagging and proofing of foreign | | |characters/text | Formatting and Layout (desktop publishing, templates, and tables) | |Widow/orphan control | | |Frame formatting | | |Portrait and landscape printing within same| | |document | |New |Common document templates (all new in Word | | |95) | | |User assisted automatic document creation | | |Automatic formatting of tables | | |Multiple, variable width, snaking columns | | |Drawing layer | | |Editing of Clip Art | | |Text effects | | |Callouts | | |Bring to front/send behind text | | |Snap to grid | | |Rotate object | | |Watermarks | | |Document, paragraph, and character styles | | |Customizable style gallery | | |Define style by example | |New |Automatic insertion of borders | | |Automatic formatting of tables | | |Automatic resizing/fitting of table to text| | |or text to column width | | |Table headers | | |Break table cells across pages | | |Table formulas | User Assistance |New |Tip Wizard including “Show Me” and | | |“Change” option to toggle Word’s automatic | | |functions | |New |Answer Wizard | |New |Access to Microsoft Network Word PSS forum | | |from Help menu | |New |ScrollTips | |New |QuickTips in dialog boxes | | |ToolTips | |New |Task-based on-line help | | |Examples and demos | |New |Task-based manual | Tools for on-line document creation, sharing and communication | |World Wide Web authoring/browsing | | |functionality | | |Save as HTML | | |Support for JPEG and GIFF graphic formats | |New |Support for HTML 3.0 protocols | |New |Publish Document Properties to Microsoft | | |Exchange public folders | |New |Document Posting to Exchange public folders| | |in Exchange | | |Notes F/X (1.0 and 1.1) support | |New |Complete Document Summary and Windows 95 | | |Properties support | | |Route document through email | | |Revision markings | | |Compare versions | | |Review revisions by author, date, and time | | |stamp | | |Annotations by author (including marking by| | |author and color) | |New |Highlighter | |New |WordMail as email editor, including all | | |standard mail capabilities (such as move | | |message, reply, reply all etc.) | |New |Hypertext links (document to document, jump| | |to different places in same document, jump | | |to document on Web) | | |Read/write password protection | Advanced word processing functions (long document management, mail merge) | |Grammar checker | | |Thesaurus | |New |Find and Replace with All Word Forms option| | |Word, line, paragraph, pages and character | | |count | | |Indexing | | |Footnotes and Endnotes (both in one | | |document as well) | | |Cross references | | |Bookmarks | | |Table of Contents | | |Table of Authorities | | |Table of Figures | | |Master Documents | | |Insert, merge and split Subdocuments | | |Lock Document | | |Outlining | | |Annotations (including sound) | | |Automatic numbering, author (initial) | | |indexing of annotations | | |Mail Merge to catalog, envelopes, labels, | | |form letters | | |Mail Merge to email or fax | | |Mail Merge Helper | |New |Mail merge from Address Book or Schedule + | | |Contact List | | |Error checking | |New |Address Book MRU in envelopes dialog box | |New |Address Book MRU (separate) in return | | |address dialog box | | |Bar codes | | |Insert text fields | Working with other applications |New |Shared code among Office 95 applications ( | | |Msofc95.dll houses the shared code for | | |Answer Wizard, Common Dialogs (File Starter| | |File Open, Print, Save), Fast Find( full | | |content indexing technology, AutoCorrect | | |dictionary, Spell Checker dictionary) | |New |Interface consistency with all other Office| | |applications (Schedule + and Access | | |interface have been revamped to be more | | |consistent with other Office applications) | | |OLE 2.0 support | | |MAPI and VIM support | |New |Office Binders | | |Insert Microsoft Excel Worksheet button | |New |Data merges with Excel, Access, Schedule +,| | |and Exchange | |New |Document Object and Property support for | | |Exchange | | |Notes F/X support | | |Filters for the following data types: | | |ASCII/ASCII delimited | | |Text and Text with Layout | | |Rich Text Format/DCA | |New |AmiPro 1.x, 2.0, 3.0 | | |Microsoft Word for Windows 1.x, 2.0 | | |WordPerfect 4.x, 5.x for DOS | | |WordPerfect 5.x for Windows | |New |WordPerfect 6.x for Windows | | |XyWrite | | |WordStar | | |DisplayWrite | | |Publisher 1.0, 2.0 | | |Works 2.0, 3.0 | | |dBase | | |Lotus 1-2-3 | | |Excel (all previous versions) | | |Quattro Pro | | |Corel Draw 3 | | |TIFF | | |Paintbrush (BMP) | | |EPS | | |AutoCAD DXF | | |PICT | | |Window Metafile (WMF) | | |WordPerfect Graphic format (WPG) | | |HPGL | | |CGM | Customization and programmability | |Toolbar button editor | | |Movable, dockable toolbars | | |Customizable toolbars, menus, keystrokes | | |and short-cut menus | | |Template organizer | |New |16 bit/32 bit interoperability on-line | | |programming tips | | |OLE automation | | |Exposed Word API | | |Macros shipping with product | |New |WordBasic (new additions) | | |Macro Recorder | | |Macro language editor | | |Dialog Box Editor | Ease of Migration |New |Same file format as Word 6.0 for Windows, | | |Windows NT, Macintosh and Power Macintosh | |New |Over twenty enhancements to Word 6.0 | | |features AutoCorrect and AutoFormat alone | |New |Usability enhancements to AutoSelect, | | |Backspace key, indenting, ruler, and | | |registry | | |File format support of all major file | | |formats (see previous listing) | | |Help for WordPerfect users | Microsoft Excel 95 Ease of Use Learning tools |New |Answer Wizard user assistance model | |New |Quick Tips | |New |Interactive Answers | |New |Step-by-Step Answers | |New |Visual Answers | |New |“Getting Results” Manual | |New |Animated Visual Feedback | |New |Scroll Tips | |New |Resizable scroll bars | | |TipWizard® assistant | | |Tool Tips | |New |Help on top | Tools to make routine tasks automatic |New |AutoCorrect | |New |AutoComplete and PickLists | |New |Improved Drag and Drop | |New |Enhanced Drag and Plot | |New | “Pop-Up” Cell Tips | |New | Number format “by example” | | |AutoFill | | |Custom AutoFill | | |AutoFormat | | |Accounting AutoFormat | | |Enhanced AutoSum™ tabulation tool | | |Function Wizard | | |Workbooks with sheet tabs and table of | | |contents | | |Rich Cell Editing | | |Context Menus | | |Tab dialog boxes | | |Group editing of worksheets | | |3D formulas | | |Name Box | | |Insert Picture command | | |Full Screen view | | |Tear-off palettes | | |Intelligent Range Detection | Analysis Tools List management |New |AutoFilter with Top 10 | | |AutoFilter | | |AutoOutline | | |Automatic Subtotals | | |Enhanced sorting capabilities | Data management |New |Spreadsheet Solution Templates | |New |Template Wizard with Data Tracking | |New |AutoCalculate | |New |Fifty percent faster recalculation engine | | |PivotTable® dynamic views | | |Microsoft Query | | |Text Import Wizard | Charting |New |Data Map | |New |Multiple data layers | |New |PlacePin | | |Drag & Plot | | |Visual editing of embedded charts | | |Direct manipulation of all chart objects | | |Trendlines | | |Error bars | | |Chart type per data series | | |Charts as standalone workbook pages | | |Custom chart AutoFormats | Analysis tools that allow teams to work together easily |New |Shared Lists | |New |OLE Properties | |New |Post to Microsoft Exchange Folder | |Improved|Lotus®Notes® and Notes/FX™ support | | |Scenario Manager | | |Interactive File Sharing | | |Auditing Toolbar | | |Send Mail and Routing | | |Routing Slips | | |Messaging support | | |Enhanced Scenario Manager | Integration With Office More integration and consistency across members of the Office family |New |Office Binders | |New |Access Forms in Microsoft Excel | |New |Access Reports in Microsoft Excel | |New |Convert to Microsoft Access | |New |PivotTable in Microsoft Access | |New |File Open with FindFast | |New |Improved Print dialog box | |New |More shared resources | | |Menu consistency | | |Dialog box consistency | | |Toolbar consistency | | |Visual Editing | |Improve|OLE drag and drop | |d | | Programmability Enhanced help and New data access tools that provide the most robust environment for creating customized solutions | |Visual Basic® programming system, | | |Applications Edition (VBA) | |New |Enhanced Visual Basic for Applications Help| |New |Visual Basic Applications sample code | |New |Data Access Objects | |New |1-2-3® and Quattro Pro™ filters | | |Expanded macro sheet support for Microsoft | | |Excel 5.0 features | | |Robust Microsoft Excel Object model | | |OLE Automation | | |Controls on sheets | | |Dialog Sheets | | |Menu Editor | | |Tool Face Editor | PowerPoint 95 Easier to Learn and Use |New |Answer Wizard | |New |Step-by-Step Answers | |New |Visual Answers | | |Quick Preview | | |What’s New | | |“Getting Results” manual | | |ScreenTips | |New |AutoClipArt | |New |StyleChecker | | |Templates | | |AutoContent Wizard | |New |Headers and Footers | |New |File Finder | |New |File Starter | | |AutoLayouts | |New |Selectable pen color | |New |Multiple print, multiple show | Consistency and Integration with Office 95 |New |AutoCorrect | |New |Multiple Undo | |New |Drag & Drop | |New |Write-Up | |New |Meeting Minder Export | | |Shared Code (e.g. File/Open; File/New) | |New |Binder (DocObjects) | |New |OLE Automation | |New |The Microsoft Network | Easy to Use Graphics Support |New |Black and White View | |New |Slide Miniatures | |New |Multiple Windows | |New |Title Master | | |Design Templates | | |Multiple Color Schemes | |New |Textured fills | |New |Gradient fills | |New |Semi-transparent fills | | |Multiple Guides | | |Arrowheads and Connectors | Support for Flexible Usage Occasions |New |Meeting Minder | |New |Presentation Conferencing | |New |Pack and Go Wizard | |New |Interactive Buttons | |New |Object model support | |New |Slide Show menu | |New |Slide Navigator | |New |Freelance translator | Easier for Multimedia Users |New |Animation Effects Toolbar | | |Animation Settings menu | | |Transitions | |New |Insert Movie/Sound menu commands | |New |PowerPoint Multimedia CD | Easier to Use for Workgroup Users |New |OLE Properties | | |Notes/FX support | |New |Post to Exchange Server | |New |PowerPoint 4.0 Windows and Macintosh | | |filters for reading PowerPoint 95 files | |New |Freelance 1.x/2.x for Windows translator| Microsoft Access Ease of Use |New |Answer Wizard | |New |Filter by Form/Datasheet | |New |Filter By Selection | |New |Table Analyzer Wizard | |New |Database Wizard | |New |QuickSort Queries | |New |Proportional Scrollbars/ScrollTips | |New |MultiPage Print Preview | |New |Performance Analyzer | |New |Form AutoFormat | |New |Format Painter | |New |AutoCorrrect | |Improve|Background Joins | |d | | |Improve|Form/Report Wizards | |d | | Flexible Usage |New |Briefcase Replication Management | |New |Windows 95 Shortcuts to Forms | |New |Database Explorer | |Improve|32 Bit Jet Database Engine (Version 3.0) | |d | | |Improve|Tabbed Property Pages | |d | | |Improve|Data Outline Control | |d | | |Improve|AutoNumber Fields | |d | | |Improve|Default Control Types | |d | | |Improve|Improved Find And Replace | |d | | Integration and Consistency with Office |New |Pivot Table Wizard | |New |Spell Check Wizard | |New |OLE Drag and Drop | |New |Import/Export Wizard | |Improve|Office Consistent Menus & Toolbars | |d | | |Improve|Improved Paste to Microsoft Excel | |d | | |Improve|Shared File and Print Dialogs | |d | | |Improve|Tabbed Option Dialog | |d | | |Improve|Improved "Output To" Support | |d | | |Improve|Database Properties | |d | | |Improve|Print Zoom | |d | | Customization and Programmability |New |Visual Basic® For Applications | |New |OLE Automation Object & Controller | |New |New Datatype - GUID | |New |Demand Loading | |New |Watch Points | |New |Color Coded Syntax | |New |Multi-Instance Forms | |New |Control Tips | |Improved |Databound OLE Controls | |Improved |Multi-select Listboxes | |Improved |Button Face Customization | |Improved |Improved Debug Window | |Improved |Integrated Custom Control Properties | |Improved |Improved Listbox/Combobox Performance | |Improved |More Runtime Functions | Microsoft Schedule+ User Interface Enhancements |New |CustomView | |New |Toolbar | |New |Tooltips | | |Tabs | |New |Month at a Glance | | |Drag and Drop. | | |Default options | | |Right Mouse Button Support | |New |Answer Wizard | |New |Daily To Do List | |New |Tab Dialogs | |New |Windows 95 Shortcuts | |New |Windows 95 Controls | |New |Office Shortcut Bars | | |Recurring Meeting | Contact Management Capabilities |New |Tabs | |New |Windows 95 Dialer Support | |New |Views | |New |Search | |New |Notes | |New |Import/Export Capabilities | |New |Word Mail Merge | |New |Word Address Book Integration | Task Manager | |Project integration | | |Filtering | |New |Drag and Drop | | |To Do List Fields | | |Sorting Tasks | | |Covey Wizard | | |Expanded To Do Lists | | |Appointment/Task Links | | |Task Tracking | Group Scheduling |New |Required/Optional | |New |Meeting Wizard | |New | Multiple TimeZone Support | | |Access Privileges | |New |OLE Automation | |New |Details | |New |Exchange Integration | | |AutoPick | |New |Resource Scheduling | | |Schedule Delegation/Access | | |Meeting Planner | | |Meeting Requests | | |Meeting Responses | Portability | |Timex DataLink Watch | | |PDA integration | | |1000 Printing Options | |New |Laptop Optimization | ######### ( 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Microsoft, Windows, IntelliSense, TipWizard, PivotTable, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, and the Office Compatible logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.